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Meet the Photographer


Hello, I am Alyssa. I am a stay at home Mama and live on a farm in rural Soldiers Grove. I got my camera Christmas of 2019. In 2020, I spent time learning camera basics while also adapting to the new mom life. I was experimenting with sessions, presets, editing programs, poses and had lots of firsts. I also upgraded my lens. 2021 I shot my first wedding and took on four larger weddings after. I brought a handsome little boy into this world in December and am now starting to get back into things while also learning how to be a mom to two. 2022, I am really excited to dive further into photography this year and am always up for trying new things. Indoor photography is not my strongest suit. Maternity is one of my favorites. I love a good cloudy day. I am NOT a professional, and don't plan to ever become one. I have not taken any courses or classes. I learn by trial and error. I do not take photos consistently. I'm working on my social skills and confidence as an amateur photographer. I do this for fun; not a day job. Please don't expect perfection from me but I will always try my best :)

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